Septa's Route change in German town due to ridership and the community 

By: Kanyla Jarmon 

April 3rd, 2024 

This action has not yet been confirmed yet fully but it will soon occur. 

I take the 23 bus everyday in the morning to go to school and to go home, so how this affects me is that i would have to change the busses i take and it might take me even longer to get to a certain bus stop because of how far the other ones are to get to my destination’’.

When buses change their routes it's more than just people who have to get to where they need to go and how much harder it makes it for them.The SEPTA drivers also have a hard time having to take time to actually learn these new routes and it might even be somewhere where they have never been before and might not be familiar to the area.I interviewed a current Septa bus driver and asked hot has this changed affected him and how long does he think it will take for him to adjust.

“ i've been a septa driver for a couple of years now and i think that one thing about the routs changing that affects me is going to have to adjust to new locations and learning the route and different parts of the area, i feel like at first it would be a challenge but once i actually get used to the routs then i think i will be fine but overall it is definitely gonna be a issue that were gonna have to accept’’.

What the city is saying about this arrangement is that even though it's very random and out of the blue that is sprung on people they feel as if we will simply just have to get used to it and once we get through the adjustments then we will be okay, they also feel as if its a good thing for the community to have some things change about it. This is what was said in other articles.

“ I did a lot of research on this action of the route changing and I think that this whole thing doesn't make sense. I don't think that we need to be worried about routs changing for the bus i think that we should be looking at the bigger issues and what's really going on in the city and how we can fix it , i think that this bus route change is just to distract us from what's really going on and what problems that were having and how the city doesn't want to put any effort into doing anything about it.

The city is focused on changing bus routes but not bigger issues that are affecting us even more day by day, for example gun violence.

“ It's really hard to support when the city wants to make new adjustments when they're only being made on tiny situations that aren't even big factors as of right now and I think that it's just a big cover up for the bigger issues going on in the world.

Students who take public transportation to get to school and don't have parents or guardians to drive them to school are really affected by this change because there are times where the bus doesn't always come on time so it takes a while for them to get to school which can affect attendance for students. I interviewed another student taking this bus route.

“ as someone who takes a while to get ready for school and how the original bus i take to school is right down the street from my house for me to simply walk down the street so im not late, it's definitely gonna be a challenge with the routes changing because i may not be able to take as long as i usually do and also might be a little bit more of a commute to get to the next bus stop so that way im on time, and it's gonna be something different to adjust to”.

This whole topic has a lot of factors that affect people and the city , but with a little bit of adjustment we will get through it.

“ Some say that this is an unreasonable action ,I don't think that they are looking at the bigger picture and how for some people this may make it easier to get to where they need to get”.

“ even though this may be something different and new for people to get used to , overtime everyone will be fine”.