Gate Keeping: Part One

Gate Keeping Series

Everyone believes that minorities are more accepting of the differences and supporting it. But what everyone doesn’t know is the in fighting and gate keeping of people and saying who can be what and what's not what in that group.

I will be doing a three part series of such doing.

First up is LGBQT+ community. You would think that they would be the most accepting and supporting but they really are not. Inside the community there is a lot of fighting of what people can label themes and who is apart of the letters and who is not. I asked the GSA kids in November some questions of how they been treated and if they have exprinced it and here are the results

Have you ever experienced Gate-Keeping in the LGBQT+ Community

"Yes I have, on certain lgbtq+ accounts that pansexuality isn't a thing and that bisexuals are greedy."

"Yes. As a black queer women, sometime people tell me I should just pick a struggle"

As you can even though the community is said to be these welcoming place filled with accepting people. 58 percent of the GSA kids said yes that they have been told that they where not welcomed here.Even though the community is is said to be welcoming and supporting but there are some people who want to control what is okay and what is a ok label to say you are.