Trump takes over the Fashion District

Construction of the gallery during the first seven months

After almost four years of construction and remodeling, the gallery, now known as the Fashion District, has finally reopened. The gallery shutdown back in 2015 after the city realized that it’s horrible design scared off many Philadelphia visitors. Now, after it has been fully remodeled, it has attracted many more visitors and also big name brands and people that don’t know what to do with their money, so they travel to come and see it.

Unfortunately, one of these big name brands was The Trump Organization, run by Donald Trump. He saw an opportunity to make more money and decided to buy the Philadelphia Fashion District and rename it The Trump District. “I think this is a great idea. I mean…..who doesn’t want to see my name all over their city. Hopefully this will make Philadelphia a more presentable place…….. and actually fit in with the rest of Pennsylvania,” says Donald Trump during an interview last week at the White House. Ever since he bought the gallery and renamed it, no one has been seen in the building, or anywhere near Market Street (where the gallery is located). Many people decided to boycott it and not go anywhere near it, to show their hate for our “president.” And so far it’s been working so hopefully, we can eventually get our gallery back.