Carvers New Intensity Step Team

By: Jayla Ellison-Wilkes

June 2, 2022

This year, at Carver, we are trying to highlight the extracurricular activities that are underrepresented. Many clubs and activities are outshined by more popular activities, such as athletic programs. Carver staff appreciate their activities by highlighting their accomplishments through articles, announcements, and emails. But, theres more to some clubs than you may see. 

Ms. Garvin, Captain of the Team

Speaking of clubs, a new team came to Carver this year. The club is called the Carver Intensity Step Team. It is led by Ms. Garvin, a new math teacher at Carver. She has a lot of excitement and determination for the future with the new team, especially now that they have made an impact and name for themselves at Carver.

Garvin said, “I definitely do have better and more expectations for it next year. Now that the students at Carver are aware of the team and know that it's something that they might want to be a part of for next year. So I'm definitely hopeful about that.”

Garvin wants students to know  that the team isn't just step dancing, but an opportunity to have fun and show creativity through dance and energy. Shes also open to working with different talents, and finding ways to bring them into the team.

Garvin said, “For those who like to express their creative side, whether that be through dance, or step. That's what the team is for. And you know, just to have a positive light on things that are not just the norm of a regular dancing, or just an athletic sport, it’s something that you could be a part of, and have fun and grow, you know, and it's just, it's a good environment.” Garvin said.

Step Team Group Picture after there performance
Step Team performance 

Garvin reflects on how participating in school events has helped their team grow, and that it's her main focus for the years to come. Features for events or appreciation from staff have been extremely helpful for spreading the word about the new team.

Garvin said, “I think just with our participation and making sure we're a part of events moving forward for whatever the occasion is that, you know, we're just prepared to be involved in and maybe spearhead a few events and bring some awareness to issues as well.” 

Being a new club means new members are always needed. Garvin is always welcoming  determined, hardworking members. It'll always be a fun time with the team, especially when you come with a positive attitude.

Garvin said, “Definitely want that dedication, that energy, the creativity, we want all of that, you know, openness and go from there.” 

All clubs, including the step team, are always open to new participants and appreciation. So try an extracurricular, you might find yourself a new hobby! There's a wide variety of choices on Carvers Extra Curricular Clubs List. 

Garvin said, “And so, if the dedication isn't there, then the time won't be wasted. It's just going to have to be on pause until members are ready to get it together, practice, learn, perform and represent the school. You know, that's what it is in a nutshell.”