Students are Tired and Overworked

By: Joniel Acosta

Student being stressed out by school (by Pixabay)

As students, we are walking around with a giant weight on our shoulders. All this stress and all this anxiety is making it difficult to meet adults’ expectations, while still feeling like we can enjoy our childhood. This is especially true in the city of Philadelphia where our grades matter from the very beginning. Students in middle school are already worrying about what high schools they’ll be accepted into and adults make it seem like if it's not the “best,” we are going to have a horrible life. It is putting unnecessary weight on us. As children, why can’t we just enjoy learning? There must be a change for adults and the school district to make because students are suffering and no one seems to care.

One problem students face is the fact that we are expected to finish every responsibility we all have in one day. How is it possible that we should be able to do homework for every class, do extra curricular for school because college loves that, home responsibilities, be physically active, and maintain hobbies all in a day that has been robbed of 8 hours because of school. Since we have so much to do we cut down on our sleep time and end up not getting enough rest. Nationwide Children’s Hospital says that shifts in sleep schedules, early high school start times, and social and school obligations cause sleep deprivation in teenagers. There is no way we can finish everything that is expected of us when we are struggling to even stay awake.

Arguably the biggest problem is the fact that we are so stressed out. We have become so stressed as children which is ridiculous, why do we have to deal with such a large problem at such a young age. Especially when we don’t even have the time to try and relieve this stress. Students suffer because when we are stressed we become “nervous or anxious, feeling tired, procrastinating or neglecting responsibilities, feeling overwhelmed, having negative thoughts and experiencing changes in sleeping habits.”(American Psychological Association). When it comes down to this Generation and how we are being so stressed makes no sense because “our society really isn’t that much more stressful than it has been in the past.”(Jodi Silverman, Licensed Clinical Social Worker) Especially when you compare it to the Great depression or the great world wars.

When it comes down to it there are only a few solutions to this problem that is affecting so many students. One being for the loss of sleep is starting schools later or simply giving less homework every night. Giving us more time to finish everything else we need and want to do. The biggest solution to this problem for Adults is that “we need to roll it back a little bit and not make it so competitive for a kid and allow them to be kids.”(Jodi Silverman, Licensed Clinical Social Worker). Taking some weight off our shoulders would be the ultimate solution. Allowing us to actually enjoy life and have fun sometimes would make all the difference.

When it comes to your expectations of us it’s literally crushing us. Making it impossible for us to grow and become greater as people and as a generation. Complaining about us as a generation doesn’t make us better. Helping us out of this hole we are in does. As adults you have the power to make change and make us the best possible generation to lead everyone to the Future.