Inside the mind of a student athlete

by Tali Simpkins

January 23rd , 2023

In Carver we have a high number of elite people in the classrooms but we also have a good number of elite athletes . With the average gpa of recruited for college student athletes being 2.84 , .20 below just students according to College reality check, Carver Athletes weigh in on what they do to be successful as athletes and in the classroom .

According to Student Athletes graduate more than the general school body. This may be because managing sports and school helps increase focus and discipline . Senior Joaquin Sandoval plays soccer , track and basketball.

“I make sure I try to maximize the time I have in school to complete work and always talk to my teachers so I do not fall behind in classes I miss, ”Joaquin said.

Statcrunch says The Median GPA for athletes is slightly higher than non athletes , being 3.7 for athletes and 3.45 for non athletes . Some athletes at Carver credit sports with their good grades.

“I think that it's harder to maintain a high GPA when sports are not going on because you have no motivation to strive and be great in the classroom,” Freshman Matt McField said. “While sports are going on you are motivated to be great in the classroom.”

Based on experience I can say the adjustment for dealing with sports and school can be difficult , managing time and always maximizing your time everyday because you do not have many .

“ You figure out what works for you and you learn from mistakes and everything slows down and becomes one,” Joaquin said.

Sports in general do help with lower rates of stress , depression and anxiety according to new port academy , but believe perform said student athletes can become depressed by “overtraining syndrome” and our less likely to seek help than non athletes . Junior Khalif Nasir-Dennis plays basketball and said “I think training a lot helps me even though it can be taxing sometimes , it helps me always keep myself active and busy”

“Playing a sport helps my mental health because it keeps me active and motivated in other areas of life,” Khalif said.

According to csus educationThrough participation in athletics, student-athletes develop many skills that are valuable in the workplace. Some of those skills include teamwork, communication, leadership, multi-tasking, ability to perform under pressure, and goal setting”.

Khalif said “During my time being a student athlete i have learned how to be a leader , while also time management and communication skills”

“Its hard balancing work and basketball but to be a successful student athlete you have to do it. I know I have to do one so the other can function correctly” says Matt.