Founding Father or Founding Mother

By: Ajza Shields

You may know him as Benjamin Franklin but he was born Silence Dogood. But they lived as a man because they had important things to do, and you know back in that time women didn’t have rights. When he would travel to France that is when they could live as Silence. There is a tale that goes on the lines that Ben In full Silence mood went to watch a play where it just happened that Mozart and Beethoven both attended. When that saw Ben—or should I say Silence—they immediately fell in love with her, both composing songs to see who would in up with the beauty? Mozart was once quoted saying "I have found the love of my life and will not let some hoodlum like Beethoven steal her from me." Beethoven retorted by composing his most known works to this day which is symphony #5.This lead to nothing because Silence couldn't take the drama and went back to the states . Back in America, he had the same effect on Nick Carraway who was just getting over his heartbreak of burying his first love, Jay Gatsby. They met at a bar called Washington and fell in love at first sight. But Ben/Silence was married and didn't know what to do so they had to keep their love secret.