We DON'T need a White History Month

By: David Bannister

Why we DON'T need a "White History Month"

During Black History month, you hear a lot of the same phrases. One of them being “Isn’t it racist to have a Black History Month and not a White History Month?” Not only is this phrase dumb, but it’s wrong as well. The only reason people say that is because it’s an easy scapegoat to further insult Black History Month. How is it dumb? I say that it’s dumb for different reasons, many being the fact that “White History Months” already exist. If we’re being honest, white history month is every month.

Black History Month is about honoring all of the famous and amazing black individuals who either massively impacted the community or were just plain genius’. This means that “white history month” occurs practically every month because famous white individuals are honored nearly every day. African american history is not a basic course, and what I mean by that is african american history isn’t taught the same in elementary school as other history, thus black history month is the only time we get to learn about our famous black individuals. It’s not racist to have a black history month but not white history month, as there’s already “white history months.”