Bisexual Representation in Media

By: Kieran McIntire

In present time, bisexuality awareness is skyrocketing, there are more and more people becoming aware of the people and topic of bisexuality. Bisexual is the term referring to the attraction of not specifically one gender, but two or more. Bisexuality is not confined to just women and men; it is also the inclusivity of non-binary and gender non-conforming peoples as well. This is because these people do not fit into male or female categories, and are also part of the attraction of being bisexual. There has been some recent argument about pansexualism and bisexualism and how they are similar and different. Pansexual is attraction not limited to sexual orientation or gender identity, in some point of views, pansexual is the same as bisexual, but it is the attraction to transgender individuals. This is not how I see it, or how pansexual people actually are this is because a transgender male is still a man and a transgender female is still a woman, they are included in bisexuality. Throughout history, bisexuality has grown and changed into what is today, and what people perceive it as.

Throughout history, bisexuality has many milestones that makes it what it is today as shown above. However, history is not the only thing that makes up the perception of what bisexuality is. The media also plays a big part in how people view bisexuality. So here are some myths and misconceptions about what bisexuality is and isn’t.

Bisexuality IS

A spectrum of attraction to males, females, and nonbinary individuals.

The inclusion of not just cis individuals, but also trans individuals and accepting them as the gender expression they identify as.

A separate orientation with its own preferences and spectrum.

A bisexual person is still bisexual if they haven’t or are not in a homosexual relationship.

Bisexuality ISN’T

A 50/50 split between men and women.

The exclusion of trans individuals and only being attracted to cis peoples.

The same thing as Pansexuality.

If a bisexual person is in a heterosexual relationship then they are not bisexual.

As well as these, there are some other more personal problems that bisexual people have to face every day. Bisexuality is not an easy three way, or a ticket for a polyamorous relationship. While a certain bisexual person may be open to a polyamorous relationship, this is different for everyone and is not a given thing for every bisexual. Bisexual people are not confused or impartial, each bisexual person is aware of who they are and who they are attracted to. Bisexual people will not just eventually pick a side, and become either straight or gay, while some people do have preferences to one side of the spectrum whether it is more masculine or feminine, it is not a given that they will eventually become straight or gay. It has become a theme in some media that a bisexual person being in a relationship is more likely to cheat because they have “more options” While this is possible, it is possible regardless of a person's sexuality. Just because someone is bisexual, it does not immediately mean that they are a cheater.

While there are a lot of misconceptions and false information about bisexuality in media, there are a select few tv shows that show accurate visibility and awareness of bisexual people.

Characters who were written as bi-curious:

  • Elliot Ried (Scrubs 2001-2010)

  • Lily Aldrin (How I Met Your Mother 2005-2014)

  • Bob Belcher (Bob’s Burgers 2011-present)

Characters who were written as bisexual:

  • The Todd (Scrubs 2001-2010)

  • GOB Bluth (Arrested Development 2003-present)

  • Rosa Diaz (Brooklyn Nine-Nine 2013-present)

  • Eleanor Shelztrop (The Good Place 2016-2020)

  • Lucifer Morningstar (Lucifer 2016-present)

  • Petra Solano (Jane the Virgin 2014-2019)

Shows that portray bisexuality in its misconceptions:

  • Jay Bilzerian (Big Mouth 2017-present)

Bob Belcher

Lucifer Morningstar

Jay Bilzerian and Ali Wong

Now, these are just some shows that I am aware of, but with all of the healthy bisexuaity awareness, why did Big Mouth get put into the negative category? In the show, the writers define bisexuality as the binary, while pansexuality is not. They say that bisexuality is the attraction to men and women, while pansexual is the attraction to trans individuals as well, while this is true that pansexual people are attracted to trans individuals, this is not what seperates them from bisexuality especially since trans individuals are the gender that they identify as, such as a man being trans still makes him a man. The show has since apologized for its misconception of bisexuality and the matter at hand.

While there is so much growth and positive representation of bisexality in the media now, there will of course still be much work that we still have to do to help the understanding of this sexual orientation.