Deeper Than Vandalism

by: Kayla Davis

Should graffiti be illegal? For many years the sight of graffiti has been a controversial topic. Many people such as one woman named Susie B, Newcastle think that “It makes our country look untidy and not well kept.” She considers it to be destruction of property also known as “vandalism.” In contrast, a Philadelphia College student views the street art as one of the main aspects that had him drawn to city of Philadelphia because of its elaborate view of splashed colors, large-scale murals and graffiti-filled alleyways. We see graffiti in Philadelphia all the time, but what is it really?

The word graffiti originates from the Greek word ‘graphein’ which means ‘to write’. But it is most commonly known because of its origins in the late 1960’s in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Many people started out as just writing their names on walls with things such as spray paint or other materials that would be visible on outside surfaces but it soon transgressed to further things. Young people averaging from the ages of 13-28 soon caught on to this new trend and took matters into their own hands of producing street art. Now, not only were people writing their names, but murals and other forms of art were being produced all around the city.

Check out the map below to view some of the graffiti found in Philadelphia.

This artistic expression is what one man said "helped me out of dark places when i was feeling down." In some places many people believe that this form of expression is filthy and the ones creating these murals and drawings should be punished in order for decrease the site of it. But, although many people can agree that, "there is a time and place for everything" and say that in a negative way these artist hear that and tend to look at that very agreeable. Graffiti and street art can be controversial, but can also be a medium for voices of social change, protest, or expressions of community desire.

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