What makes you feel relaxed

Lailah Johnson

Jan 23,2024

In school students have tests and homework to do everyday,  they don't have time to relax or time to step back and take their time.

As i was talking to students from E&S I ask them what makes them feel relax after going to school and having to deal with life. A student named Nevaeh Johnson told me that ¨listening to music  gets me through   the day, it keeps me claim, after having a bad day¨. Listening  to music sends waves to your brain making your body and mind relax.

Ziyan Hemingway JV basketball player 

Another way is to just sit somewhere quite and work on your breathing. Ziyan Hemingway a JV basketball  player said that "just breathing and taking your time with things, and when i'm  feeling anxious I just claim myself down, video games help to, it keeps your mind off  of the things you have to get done and do".

A  track runner Isabella Brown said that "just playing your sport makes all the stress go away, because school gives me no peace at all with all the homework that I have for playing a sport and having school work to do"

Isabella Brown 

And  a student named Ashley said that "reading keeps me  from feeling stress, even just listening to books can make you go to sleep by the way the author reads the book to you, and how soft they read to you". In article it says that  "reading can relax your body by lowering your heart rate and the tension from your muscles." So when your stress don't over work yourself just take your time and relax.