Former High Schoolers Facing transition with College

Halimah Roache & Nevaeh Johnson

January 23rd, 2024

Her first day at Temple

A big issue with High Schoolers who have transitioned to college is worrying about their grades and GPA and making stressful decisions for themselves; in all aspects of their lives: how they adapt to new things, how they feel about starting all over, and even how they handle time management

As we were talking to a former senior Courtney we asked her what is so different between high school GPA and college GPA?

¨Well it's very different, you know how you have a weighted GPA and a regular GPA in high school? Temple doesn't have a weighted GPA, it's just a regular GPA, it's not really stressful¨ - Courtney first year college student  at Temple University 

We know that for Courtney that stressing over GPA is not really stressful for her, we ask her how the transition between Highschool and College was different? 

¨trying to join different clubs because its so many options; And for me I use to do dance in high school, it's not just one type of dance, it's different types of dancing in college¨ - Courtney

We know that in high school you can just go straight home and have your own room and space, but living on campus is different. What were some things you have to adapt to?

“Something that I had to adapt to was cooking for myself. My mom used to cook for me a lot so I had to be more independent. I also had to adapt to living with someone I never known it was a big change like washing dishes” - Sanai Delaware State University

Having former High school students is a great idea to get the next upcoming high school graduate ready; and asking different former students is good for different points of views. We ask former High schooler Chyra what is different between college and High school for her. 

¨Being motivated. I don't have my Dad over my shoulder telling me to go to school and get good grades, I have to be responsible for my own motivation sometimes.¨ ¨something else that's different is there is no report cards once you get to college¨- Chyra first year Widener University

We as upcoming high schoolers wanted to know more about time management and what's different or if it's the same. 

“Time is different because you can pick your own classes , me personally i only had 3 classes a week that fit into my schedule so I can still keep up with my work and my social life. It was easy for me to handle time management¨- Sanai

After learning about time management, we wanted to know  how it feels to be a freshman once more and not an upperclassmen?

"It's a slight difference. In college nobody really goes around and asks what grade you're in, because in a way we're all grown, but what's the same is learning from your upperclassmen." -Chrya

As we learn from different points of view and how our former E&S High schoolers transition to college life they left us with a lot of information the upcoming students that want to go to College can use like. 

¨Having time management is very important¨”and even being considerate towards your roommate can make college very stressless. Most importantly enjoy your high school years because it goes way too fast, way too quick.