Birth Control Effects and Affects

By: Shanya Robinson-Owens

Do you or anyone you know use birth control? Do you really know all the facts about and effects of birth control? How far has it come? How much has it changed over time? Also how has it even changed society's view especially among teenagers?

In the begin of time many people were very religious and thought that women should only have sex in marriage and if a child was product that was a beautiful thing and that birth control shouldn’t be needed. But nowadays, birth control can be used for for a variety of health reasons regardless of a person's sexual activity. Many people take birth control to help with their period cramps. And like your parents are throwing birth control on you like “get it we don’t need no slip ups".

In the early 1900s there wasn’t much for women but to use to protect themselves. Men had one of the first condoms made from a type of a linen sheath then switching over to a vulcanized rubber condom; this was a way that prevented pregnancy but was it really effective? So people in Europe started selling spermicidal jelly to women, but elsewhere the first intrauterine device was in the development stage so not available to the public. Yes everybody knew about both and they both as a whole was very much frowned upon, people felt as though you should only sleep with your husband or wife. And that if you end up with a disease is because you stepped out and if you become pregnant they you should be happy to start a family. This affected women a lot because they felt like they couldn't do whatever they pleased without being shamed.

One of the first condoms.
This are things that they say women had to keep up there feminine hygiene.

Then in 1940 “birth control” kind of grew on people. Only due to Feminine hygiene, people felt women should keep themselves clean, up to date, and smelling nice. So using vaginal jellies, suppositories, douches, and foaming tablets over the counter were expected of women to use to keep themselves clean and clear themselves of any leftover sperm. Now people opened up more to birth control but they still felt negative about it. In literally a decade the development of the birth control pill was introduced and half of all American women were using it having sex before marriage which was shamed by many, even though it still wasn’t available to everyone. With the pill it contained 4 times the estrogen and 10 times the progestin with the side effects of bleeding, nausea, weight gain and more seriously could lead or be linked to blood clots, heart disease, and stroke. Bet you didn’t know that!!

By 1990s, implants were being developed, birth control was being more desirable, DepoProvera, and injectable birth control was coming to light and so was Plan B which u could take right after sex. And then by 2012 the most used birth control methods were the pill, tubal (female) sterilization, male condoms, IUDs, and male vasectomies. People now are way more accepting of birth control and actually throw the method at their child all the time. Because they are scared of young parenting? Just want more safe sex practice? Or is it because birth control can help with period cramps?

These are all the methods that are available as of now.

I interviewed a fellow student who doesn't want to be named, but she stated that at first was on the pill but later switched to Depo. When asked if she knew the effects of the pill and if that why she switched methods, she explained that she switched because Depo is "easier" and "more effective" but didn't know about the side effects. The one thing that is common now a days is why she got it and if her parents were okay with it. Her mom introduced her to it and she wanted to be on it so that she wouldn't become pregnant.

This is how the birth control pills are set up for you.

As you can see the birth control pill is most used but what you don’t know is all the side effects good and bad. Studies show that women who takes birth controls for more than 10 years have better memories and critical thinking skills post-menopause. Also that oral contraceptive use doesn't just reduce your risk of certain cancers, lighten your period, alleviate horrible cramps, clear your skin, and improve your mood, among other benefits. The birth control pills with estrogen can lead to a higher risk for blood clots, heart attack, and stroke in women who smoke, especially if older than 35 years of age.

Birth Control affects women and girls now because it makes you gain unnecessary weight. And in some case if you wanted to get on certain birth controls you can't if you or your family has a history of blood clots, stroke, heart attack and etc.