Why it's a GREAT idea to send your kids to foster homes

Can’t take care of your kids? Getting sick of their constant temper tantrums? No problemo! Thanks to dependable government care, there are Foster Houses just for the little gremlins. Established in the 9th century, these places the venture the utter most safety behind closed doors. Those articles you’ve heard about, the ones stating that more than 28% of kids are abused in the system, total rubbish, I assure you.

General Nicholas Schuler, a respected CPS inspector states: “everything is completely fine, all the kids are happy with their guardians. I don’t think I have ever even been to a foster Home where the kids where anything but ecstatic to be there.” Still not convinced? Well, there are other facilities. Being a ward of the state, is for good reason, favored throughout the country. Not only are they taken away from the only home they ever knew, but they are also forced to go from home to home if there guardians so desire.

Now, thanks to your productivity, you can follow your education and achieve those lost dreams from where you dropped them when you became a parent. No worries about keeping your child happy and healthy when there nowhere near you. This is why you should most definitely sign your child away to some forign and possibly dangerous individuals.