Doc Rivers says Control Freak Kawhi's "Philosophy" is better than Control Freak LeBron's

Doc Rivers (via ClutchPoints)

During a late night interview with reporters after a 120-99 win over the Phoenix Suns, Los Angeles Clippers Head Coach Doc Rivers responds to LeBron's thoughts on Load Management and how he believes that “as long as I’m healthy,I will play.” Well Doc, in a shocking response took shots at LeBron and said “Maybe if he load managed, he could use that time to learn how to shoot a free throw.” He later went on to say that, “Maybe if he load managed he would be 6-3, not 3-6 and would be considered the Greatest of all time(GOAT)” and that he agreed with Kevin Garnett when he called LeBron a “little b***h and that the Celtics were the reason that he left Cleveland.” LeBron has yet to respond but these are shocking statements from such a well respected coach in the league. I don't know about you, but I can't WAIT until these two teams met on Christmas day. Who knows, maybe Doc will even say it to his face this time.