Cyberbullying on Prom Pages: The Hidden Dangers of Anonymous Social Media

Cyber bullying on Prom Pages: The Hidden Dangers of Anonymous Social Media

BY: Aja Sudler

May 15, 2024

Social media gives you a platform to say whatever you want and no one knows it’s you. This allows people to bully others with no repercussions. This can be very damaging to students as evidenced by prom pages where students are critiqued and judged.

While some may view these pages as anonymous fun they can have a significant negative impact on students' mental health and self esteem. Some students have said that social media has impacted them negatively.

"They're being judged based on what they wear and how they look. That could potentially hurt someone's feelings," remarked Lut, a concerned student at Carver High School.

This graph shows the different percentages of kids that have been affected by cyber bullying in 2024 survey. 69 percent of the students reported somethings abusive towards others online.

This problem with cyber bullying goes far beyond mere opinions and anonymous comments. It's about creating a safe and respectful environment both online and offline for all students.

"And I don't want to be mentally affected by other people's opinions.” -Laila

Social media statistics have shown alarming trends of online harassment among young individuals.Nearly 42% of kids have been bullied online, and almost one in four have experienced it repeatedly, highlighted recent studies on cyberbullying.

”People, as far as my peers have been constantly affected by these different pages on social media and stuff like that, because it attacks any and everybody so” said lut young

Many students, including Laila Rodgers, acknowledge the fear and anxiety associated with such online platforms.

 “I just feel like standards are through the roof. So I would have to obey those standards. Too ohm to be one of those ones that might get picked on. Somebody's always gonna have something negative to say,¨ said Laila Rodgers a 12th grader at Carver High Scool.

Despite differing opinions, the prevailing sentiment is that such behavior contributes to a toxic online environment. and school administrators should take charge in making sure to maintain a positive school environment.

“I feel like in school it should be a mental preparation type of thing. Teachers should have that conversation with students…So I just feel like schools to him open talks about it…," suggested Laila Rodgers, emphasizing the need for open dialogue and digital literacy.

This graph shows issues kids feel result from cyber bulling in 2024 survey. The most popuplar app te people feel where cyber bullying takes place is instagram.

By teaching students and parents how to be good citizens online and giving them helpful information, schools can help everyone use social media in a better way.

”Social media can be a powerful tool for communication and connection, but it comes with responsibilities. We need to educate our youth on how to navigate these platforms safely and respectfully.” stated Joyce a parent of a student at G.W Carver Highschool of Engineering and Science.

Moreover, fostering a culture of empathy and kindness both online and offline is crucial for creating a supportive community where every individual feels valued and respected.

Stop making negative comments; it's bullying," emphasized Shanya, a student at Carver High School, Echoing the call for responsible online behavior and respect.