Learning through Covid, 12 Carver community members share their experiences

By: The Carver Times Staff

October 3, 2020

On the first day of school, there was no line to enter the building, no missed busses or late trolleys, no need to check the weather, no hugs or handshakes as students spotted their friends after a long, summer break, no sound of lockers slamming or bells ringing. On the first day of school, after we each rolled out bed and made our way to our "classrooms," we found ourselves in uniquely different spaces, much different from the Carver E&S building. 

The Carver Times writers set out to discover what life has been like for students during this first month of a school year like no other. Here's what they found. 

Sedrah Bishr, 11th Grade

Remote learning has helped most definitely because I'm used to just doing my homework in the actual home. It's helped my learning in terms of space and time. My advice to others is that it gets better. This is for the freshmen, because I know a lot of them are upset that their first year of high school is online, but it does get better. 

Sometimes I wish my first year of high school was actually online because it's a lot easier since most of what we do online is what we do in school, like most of my classes freshman year were completely online. I know you guys want to see your friends, believe me, so do I. But, my friends and I make this [virtual] lunch table. Even if we don't have the same lunches we make this lunch table. And we all just sit and talk.

I ran into a few challenges. One was trying to get used to learning on a computer, and I've overcome that by trying to be more connected with the teacher.

I'm more of a hands on person in a visual manner. So I enjoy being in a classroom with other students and teachers.

One thing I would like to say regarding around education is that although I'm not enjoying online experience there still is a lot of people out there who it's a lot more easier for them, because for some people it's difficult trying to leave the house every morning.

Michael Rush, 11th Grade

Matthew Coriolan, 11th Grade 

This year is pretty good. But it could be better. But at the same time, it’s not bad. My stress level is normal. I’m not stressed out. 

As far as virtual college tours, I don’t really mind. It is what it is. But since it’s virtual they won’t meet the best me, the real me. I am confident though. And I do think I’ll get a passing score on the SATs because I’m going to study a lot

Online learning is challenging because it is not in person. I mean, I guess the teachers are trying their hardest and it's not their fault. We just have to get used to this way of living. The most annoying part of online learning is switching from one zoom call to another. 

Carver is already a challenging school on its own, and virtual doesn’t help make it any easier. With school being online I don’t get a good impression on how Carver really is. I don’t get to experience the school spirit.

Anthony Brown, 9th Grade

Ms. Moore-Almond, Teacher

I have two children. My family is in the background all the time. In between lessons I am managing snacks and activities and cleaning up. There is just that constant call of what I have to do here versus what I have to do for work. Who’s going to have my attention? Is it going to be my students who I care about and love? Is it going to be my children who I absolutely adore and love? Is it going to be parents, is it going to be grading? It’s literally triage everyday. 

The shift to virtual learning has been difficult because everything now happens online. So feedback I would probably give in class, in person, now has to happen by email. All of these things take more time.The longer lunch period is a nice break in terms of being able to pull stuff together for the next class. I don’t sit down for 50 minutes and do nothing in the course of the day. It’s not me having lunch- it’s time for me to make lunch for other people. There is no getting up and walking away from my computer.

My old middle school and Carver are very different. Although I went to a good school, it wasn’t a school like Carver. My middle school is basically four classes and we got prep. I expected high school to be like every high school movie ever made—hanging out in the hallway with our notebooks next to our lockers. 

I got eight out of ten on my first assignment—I got a lesson—and I thought she'd maybe give me a nine out of ten. When I asked her to change my grade she said “I don't give you anything.” So, you know, you just have a lot of responsibility. It's a whole different thing, I suppose.

Amy Pham, 9th grade

Jennifer Kaing & David Braxley,      7th Grade

The online setting is probably good for people who were shy, embarrassed or nervous about the first day so online made it easier. But for me I would prefer the classroom because assignments would be easier to turn in and that’s what I’m used to. But honestly, I feel like if COVID didn’t happen, school would have been easier, because I could do so much more. For instance, I have to type all day and I’m not the strongest at typing. However, It’s easier to make friends over Zoom, especially for shy people. All you have to do is type “Hello” in the chat box and someone responds. They might not have talked to you at all if you were in class.

I transferred to Carver because I felt like I wasn't being challenged. And a lot of other people at the school they didn't take...I felt like they weren't taking school as seriously as I was. And I just did not enjoy the learning environment. I felt like they were just the teachers—they didn't push the students to actually learn. 

I definitely feel as if this new style of learning is going to be difficult, especially since I'm a transfer student, I don't really know anyone at the school. So besides, this new way of learning, like remote learning, is also just like a new environment. I don't know any of the teachers. I hardly don't use any other students. So that's been a little difficult. But also, I feel like it's taught me about, you know, responsibility and to work independently. Because I don't have a lot of friends at the school that I can rely on for help.

Charity Robbins, 10th Grade

Luciano Gerbino, 9th Grade

My year is going well, I enjoy online school except for the social aspect because i don’t see my friends much anymore.It’s of course harder than last year because i am now in high school, and it’s online so it’s way different than just going to school every morning. 

Saniyah Kimber, 11th Grade

With there being online learning Covid required me to take a break from sports which gave me time to find new things to do. I was not really bothered with sports being cancelled—I was upset—but to me sports is not really a passion nor a long term commitment.I found other activities to keep me sane during the time such as working and I still had NHS to keep me involved with school. Online learning is not much of a struggle for me but I do prefer in person school over virtual, so that i can be in one place with all of my school related activities.

Muadh Amzil, 12th Grade

On a scale of 1-10 Covid has affected me and my senior year about a six. I kind of feel disappointed only in the way that I know my parents would want to see me walk on stage. That's not possible. I know that they will be disappointed. For me, it kind of doesn't mean that much.

It has been stressful at times since a lot of teachers are kind of assigning work that's usually due on the same day or the next day. And then along with all the college process, especially in the beginning of the year, it's kind of difficult, especially not having the teacher actually in front of you. But, you know, I'm just trying to get to it.

Keith Belton-Thompson,     11th Grade

School this year has been getting very stressful because I know that 11th grade is the most important year and I'm home while also working at Saint Elizabeth's Recovery Residence. Work hasn't really change much because I live so close. I go after school, after I finish any homework I need to do. They are understanding that I have school so I don't get in any trouble.