The Witness Protection Program is a scam, let me tell you why.

By: Kieran McIntire

The witness protection program has been around since 1970, supposedly protecting witnesses and criminals of unintentional crimes. However, how many people have you met that were in the witness protection program? We received insider information from an anonymous source in the FBI, telling us more about this supposed witness protection program. “We don’t really keep up with the people in the program. It is meant to make them seem invisible, just another part of society.” Seems suspicious, why would a government agency not keep track of the people in their program? This might be because the people in the program are all dead. New reports have come to light that the government is actually killing witnesses to prevent from their crimes getting leaked to the public. Another anonymous source came to light of an escaped witness supposed to be put in this program. “I was scared for my life, they told me that they were gonna put me into the program and I was happy, I really was, I didn’t need the trouble of dealing with The Man y’know, I just wanted to go on with my life. Next thing I know, I've got guys in suits trashing my house while I was away getting myself some Totino’s pizza. And then when I got home, I had to run, I didn’t know what was happening, but I left.” Supposedly, about 18,900 people are being ‘protected’ by this program since 1970, this is just around the same time that the Apollo 13 aborted it’s mission due to an exploded oxygen tank. What was the government hiding? Why did they rig the oxygen tank to explode? What did the crew of the Apollo 13 mission know? There are so many unanswered questions here, but the one thing that we know for sure is that the government is up to something.