College Voting

By Aniyah Nesmith

College Kids Voting

The future depends on the vote ... of college kids .

Turnout of college-age voters has almost doubled since 2014, from 14% to 40% in 2018. Although these are great numbers considering the situation, fewer than half of college students are voting. We need to fill in the gap with the other 60% of students that aren't voting.

I don't necessarily think the numbers are so low because people don't want to vote. It could simply be that students don't have the information or resources to vote . Students can get information for voting as soon as they enter high school, so they can learn about politics and the importance of voting, although most students won't be able to vote until their senior year of high school or their freshman year of college. This is something that students should learn in school rather than learning about the powerhouse of the cell in science, but that's a talk for another time. It's still beneficial to have the knowledge about voting sooner rather than later .

Is it a priority now that your only focus is making it to your 8 am class and finishing your homework on time? Aside from that, is voting even talked about in your school? Is there a place you can go on campus to register to vote? “A total of 6.2% of the age group lacked information on how or where to register” according to a 2014 analysis, the Campus Vote Project . This is a huge problem based on to the 2020 election. Why ? Because we are the generation that will face any trials or tribulations that come with the election. Yes, older people's votes matter too, but let's face it, they won’t be here to see the effects of the election.