Me Whoo?

By Habiba Sylla

The newest face of the #metoo movement is an unlikely one. An eight month old baby named titus the fetus from Florida is being sued by a headless mannequin for groping, and then proceeding to suck her breast. “It’s a shame what the world has come to,” she says, “I can't even come to work without fear of one day becoming a victim”. I was able to catch up to the suspect at the Children Are Our Future Daycare. He was crawling away, violently pushing pass others as I walked in the door. “What do you have to say for yourself Mr.Titus?” I asked him, “bhcbbfhjdwnmlkvnnrh ghfhbg hgbre hgj4 gngunfvjn f@!k you” he said to me. This case is not looking to good for Mr.Titus. He has overall no support from the public. “Throw him in jail,” said one man on facebook. As of this morning the hashtag #yeetusthefetus has over 2,000 tweets in support of the death penalty.