We're all going to Die?!

By: Leneece Rincon

We’re young. We're strong. We're angry. We are the generation that cares! Climate change has been a broadening subject yet nothing is being done to prevent it. The youth has a big impact on this topic and still no one is listening or paying enough attention to our voices, our message.

Credit: kwest/Shutterstock.co
The left side of the photo demonstrates the drought out land while the right side shows the effects before climate change where the city is thriving. The image dramatizes the effect of global warming but ultimately highlights how harmful this issue is.

Climate change has been around to notice since the late 19th century. As the years go by, the temperature rises dramatically. It affects the increase in ocean waters, changes the global rainfall, which changes our water supply, and snowfall, rising of the temperature and accelerates water pollution. These changes affect the animals and food in our community and others around the world as this is a global issue and yet with all the efforts we could be seeing from all around leaders, nothing is being done to better the topic.

This issue is as the name applies, a global warming situation. The youth of this era will be more affected as the issue ascends and particularly older groups have retired as either world leaders or are just too old to care. Many political leaders have promised to help prevent this global warming but have done nothing to contribute to the all green community. Young people have seen this common trend in political individuals and so they started to take matters into their own hands.

The way the issue is going to present itself is by raising the temperature average by 10 degrees. There is either little or nothing we can do about global warming for the present, but actions like protesting for one can change the future for the better.

September 20, 2019, global strikes were made to call attention to the matter. Here in Philadelphia many local groups including the Sunrise Movement organized the marches in the city. Youth led marches were also spread throughout the world protesting for change in the government and officials to help to minimize global warming.

We should care about this issue because it’s our generation who are increasingly making change and highlighting that climate change is a big issue. It’s the Gen Z who are going to be affected by this big wave of change in temperature. This will be greater than the change we are experiencing now. How would you like to be dealt with a major problem in the future because we didn't help solve it now?

Ways to help minimize the issue are listed down below..........

This includes turning off the lights after use, taking shorter showers, and walk or bike instead of taking the car if not needed.

Using social media for example is a great way to connect with people especially in other countries. As this is an issue that affects everyone it is good to connect with many other people and understand how they are coping with the changes to build more knowledge on the topic and possible solutions.

Raising our voices and demanding change is a huge way to show the world and government leaders that the youth cares about solving the issue and are unhappy with the lack of action being done.