Humans of Carver

Curated by Charity Robbins & Nasir Jones

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Week of December 7th, 2020

Tiffani A Billups, 1oth

One of my greatest accomplishments is working on myself during quarantine whether that be physically or mentally. Don’t get me wrong, learning remotely has done a little bit of damage to my work ethic like how it is harder for me to pay attention but we are all adjusting. Physically I am healthier, I have worked on my image more and how I want to perceive myself or how I want others to perceive me. Mentally I am at peace with who I am and who I want to be. It is just a matter of focusing and getting there. I also gained confidence which is something that I struggled with and learned that my opinion of myself is the one that truly matters. Being better at self-care is probably one of the best things I could have taught myself during these hard times and I will definitely continue doing it in the future.

Week of November 30th, 2020

Damaris A. Williams, 1oth

Ever since I was four, I have always danced. My mother always says she thought I was going to be a ballerina because I always walked around the house on my tippy-toes. I never went to dance school for it though. I remember watching Angelina Ballerina and mimicking the moves that she did. This was the start of something beautiful. I taught myself how to dance by watching my favorite dancers as well as incorporating my own style into the art. As I grew, I became interested in the Hip-Hop and Ballroom scene. I guess you could say I fell out of love with Ballet, but I have acquired a different mindset recently. I am taking Dance 1 at Carver this year, and we are learning Ballet right now. I became excited because I hope that one day I can turn my hobby into a profession. Even though I am better at certain styles, my goal is to be a well-rounded dancer so that I can incorporate all dance elements into my choreographies. Dancing lets me express myself, and it helps me to blow off steam. As a dancer, I entertain people. I can make you feel all types of emotion. I can make you feel mad if I Krump. I can make you feel like your watching a fashion show if I Vogue. I can get you hype if I Break. I can make you happy or sad if I dance Contemporary. That’s why I love dance.

Week of November 16th, 2020

Andrew Drumwright, 11th

My favorite hobby is playing video games. This is because my life is very busy between sports and school and what little time i have to myself i like to spend it playing video games because it makes me feel like I control the world and I have an impact on what happens in the game.

Week of November 9th, 2020

VaNia Ellison, 11th

I think that remote learning is a little easier than in person learning. Since I don’t have to travel 45 minutes to and from school everyday, plus traveling to any extracurricular activities that I may have, I am able to have some free time to do relaxing things like watching TV or taking a nap. This method of learning is also helpful to me because I have more freedom for extracurricular activities. If we were able to go to the school building, like nothing happened, I probably wouldn’t have had the opportunity to join the Black Student Union’s Arts and Culture Committee. However, I can admit that remote learning can be difficult in the sense of staring at a computer screen all day because it makes me tired. Also, since there’s no in class interaction, listening to teachers speak adds to the difficulty of staying awake. On the other hand, my homework load isn’t as crazy as it could’ve been, which also makes it easy to have extra time on my hands.

Week of November 2nd, 2020

Siani Elliot, 10th

I've accomplished a lot of things that's I'm proud of since Covid hit. I've gotten back into learning Korean, which I haven't done in years. And, this time allowed me to get close with old friends again. I never would've expected to be so close with someone I had just met in 8th grade but now me and her are more connected than I expected.There were some negative things as well. I lost a lot of friends, but as bittersweet as it is I'm glad I did. Covid helped me realize people's true colors and intentions. I feel like if Covid wouldn't have happened, I wouldn't have found out all of this about these people. It opened eyes to how some people truly are. I'm thankful for it despite hating being at home all the time.

Week of October 26th, 2020

Israel Fonesca, 11th

Admire: the word itself should be cherished. It sounds so peaceful to the ears, and anyone could use it. Someone I admire myself would be my older brother. He’s definitely my role model for everything, and I tell everyone about him when they ask me that question. So every time i see the words “Admire, role model, hero” etc, my first thought is him, without a doubt.

Week of October 19th, 2020

Bryson Downing , 10th

My favorite hobby by far would have to be photography. It's so relaxing to do and gives me very good vibes. I feel at peace with my camera. Ever since 6th grade I've been taking photos. And, in a year of having my camera, my skills have gotten way better. Taking photos will always be a passion of mine even when I get old and start working. Maybe one day I'll even pass the camera down. My goal, for now, would be yearbook club and taking photos for Ms. Swift so they can put them up on the website. It feels good to see someone smile after getting their photo taken. My fondest memory would be adding to my advisories time capsule. Ms. Ruby even let me take her photo and it came out beautifully. Having the camera helped me talk to more people and come out of my shell in high school.

Week of October 12th, 2020

Marina T. Morales, 10th

My favorite animal is a shark. It can be any shark, really. Great whites, Threshers, Wobbegong, Cookie Cutters, you name the species, I love it. I love them because they are just misunderstood. I spoke to a 6 year old the other day and she showed me a picture of a great white and said that she was a monster. That really hit me hard because sharks are my passion. It's what I want to study for the rest of my life! I just couldn't believe that somebody told her that sharks are monsters, because I feel like kids won't say something unless they hear it from someone else. These days, the word "shark" has become to mean something completely different to the general public than what it actually means. Whenever someone hears "shark" they automatically think "teeth. monster. death." Whenever I hear shark, I think about how they effortlessly move through the water and about their diversity and complexity when it comes to their looks. Sharks are living beings too. We should start treating them with the respect that they deserve.