Heights is helping High school students and giving them doorways to great colleges

By: Joshua Johnson

April 3, 2024

Carver students have joined the Temple Heights program to learn about opportunities with colleges and occupations they could have in the future. Heights is a program that has helped high school students gain the support they need to get into college.

 Nathaniel Gauthier, an 11th-grader at HSES, has been a part of the Heights Carver program since he was a Freshman. He said that his reasons for doing so were that he wanted to get experience” because he was interested in science research."

Nathaniel didn’t take the same courses each year. He found more interest in learning about different occupations.

One year, I did mechanical engineering based on medical devices,” Nathaniel said. “The next year, I did Computer Science because I wanted to study diseases.” 

Alain Sto Domingo, the “stem fellow” based at Carver from Heights, explained how the Heights program came to be

Heights is a result of a merger of two similar programs aimed at developing college success for students. Not just college success, career path, success, etc”, Alain said. 

A look at the hallway on the first floor leading to the Heights office, where many students entered to join Heights programs.
Located not too far from Carver, students apart of Heights would meet at Temple buildings like these.

The goals of the company and its workers also matter. 

Our goals, primarily lie in student success, whether that be connecting them with the right people to get them into the right college or find the proper opportunities and more, more importantly, the most the more fitting opportunities that best fit themselves,” Alain said. “Personally, I do tend to go with the flow of things. Really, what I do know is that everything I do is in the benefit of a student. 

Nathaniel had the same opportunistic look. He thinks these programs are helpful and that more students should participate in programs like Heights. 

Anyone who really wants to put themselves out there and get some experience that will actually help the course of their careers. I think you can also learn a lot of valuable lessons when you throw yourself into those situations where you get research and actual experiences instead of being in classrooms.” 

From the perspectives of an official and a student, it’s simple to tell how these programs are important to our school and our community. They help students consider different careers they can have in the future and give students connections to colleges. With science in mind, the Temple+Heights program can help bring more scientists and engineers into the field. This is beneficial to our school since “Engineering and Science” is in the name. Heights proves to be one of the many great college and career prep programs we have at our school.