Philly Schools are Re-opening and the city is talking.

By: Qamar Coleman

April 12, 2021

Schools are reopening across the School District of Philadelphia, but is the city on board? While some students are excited to back into the building to see their friends, other students, teachers, and parents alike have some concerns about the safety surrounding the new hybrid learning plan.

Khuwaylah Young, a senior at George Washington Carver High School of Engineering and Science.

Plenty of people are excited  for schools to reopen across the district, and most of them are the students, like E&S senior Khuwaylah Young, who can’t wait to see their friends. 

“The thing that I am most looking forward to is seeing my friends again and being in the social environment again,” Khuwaylah said. “I think I took it for granted, but I would be really happy to go back.”

Students aren’t the only ones who are excited; many parents are thrilled to see their students return to the classrooms. Some of this excitement might stem from the thought of getting to spend time alone after a year of being at home. 

“Don’t get me wrong I love my children, but I need a break,” parent Jamiyah Miller said jokingly.

While there are people who are excited about the reopening of schools, many in the district still have concerns about how safe the new reopening plan is. Kristin Jones, E&S Health & PE teacher, explained a few personal concerns of her own.

"I’m grateful for our school community and their commitment to continue learning virtually. While I think the return may be a bit short, I look forward to meeting some of the students I have only heard via zoom.  I hope that we can make physical activity a priority for kids who are returning." exclaimed Ms. Jones.

It’s not just teachers who have concerns. Students and parents alike have addressed similar concerns. While the majority of the concerns that are being raised are coming from parents who are worried about their children’s safety, they are also coming from an even more surprising source, Septa workers. One Septa bus driver, who preferred to stay anonymous is worried about who will enforce mask mandates for student riding on public transportation.

“They can regulate the children wearing their masks inside of the building, but not on buses and trains,” the Septa driver said. 

Students are also just as concerned as parents, teachers, and even bus drivers apparently. The general opinion on schools reopening seems to be split evenly with both sides giving strong reasons for their argument. Senior Anasia Jones Muldrow is skeptical about how effective safety precautions will be. 

“I get that everyone is excited for schools to re-open, but I don’t see the point if things aren’t safe,” Anasia said. “Like, honestly, what is a fan gonna do against a super virus. I think that if they want to re-open schools it needs to be done the right way and not rushed for the pleasure of students.”

Anasia Jones Muldrow, a senior at George Washington Carver High School of Engineering and Science
Anasia Jones Muldrow, a senior at George Washington Carver High School of Engineering and Science

There are a lot of reasons to re-open schools across the city of Philadelphia, especially with Superintendent Hite’s strong re-opening plan. However there seems to be one word on everyone’s mind. . . “vaccine” and the fact that teachers are required to get them are scaring teachers, students, and parents alike and Dr. Hite has yet to propose a solution for it. Especially as 

"concerns continued over the accuracy of the district’s COVID-19 dashboard, which appears to underreport positive cases. The district’s data show a 0.6% positivity rate, or 64 positive cases, and the school system says its dashboard includes “both self-reported results and district testing results.”