The pros and cons of homework

By Isaiah Adesipo 

November 20, 2023

In the realm of education there has always been a debate about whether homework is really effective or not. Some argue that it plays a role in reinforcing what students learned at school and discipline. On the other hand, some raise concerns about its impact on student well being and their quality/free time. As we go into the advantages and disadvantages of homework it becomes clear that this age of old practice is not without its complications. One of the benefits of homework is that it provides students with an opportunity to solidify their understanding of classwork material, which can have long lasting effects if the student really puts effort into this on their knowledge and the skill of retentiveness in the future. Additionally, completing assignments within designated time frames helps students develop time management skills. As students start their academic journey the significance of homework extends far beyond the classroom it also prepares them for the real world challenges. It serves as a bridge between the realm of education and the real world, it helps sculpts students to face the challenges that lie ahead in higher education and even the workforce. However, the positive aspects of homework are not exempt to criticism. There are cons too, that should be taken into careful consideration in the education system. Excessive homework can have a impact on a students well-being which can lead to stress, anxiety, and sleep deprivation, affecting both the physical and mental well-being of students.Students who receive levels of assistance from their families may face inequality when it comes to completing homework assignments since there isn’t really assistance from home.Excessive homework can also affect quality family time interpet valuable family time, and hinder the development of social and emotional skills outside the academic realm. Students with varying levels of support at home may experience hardship in their ability to complete homework. In navigating the homework dilemma, it's essential to recognize that a one size fits all not approach may not work for every student. Aiming for a balance that considers individual needs, and varying levels of support. As we shape the future of learning,  Reconsidering homework policies is a good move to create a rounded and successful educational journey.