The Fashion District

By: Shaniya Robinson-Owens

The excitement about The Fashion District quickly went down after a group of friends planned a link. Then the males were quickly denied access to the stores because their pants were sagging. Tymir (one of the boys) states to ABC news “I just came to the Fashion District to hang out with my friends, buy some new clothes and a few Christmas gifts. But as I walked into various stores, the employee looked at me and just refused to give me the time of day”. The newscaster Jamie states “Well do you know why this is so? Do you plan on taking any actions? They have this NEW sign on the door that states “NO SHIRT, NO SHOES, NO PANTS 3” BELOW THE WAIST, NO SERVICE.” “So I am guessing because I am dressing how I dress they don’t want me to have clothes period. But when you talk about what do I plan to do, well at first I was gonna have me and my homeboys come murk the place. But now that I am hearing it out loud and actually thinking about what came out of my mouth I am mad over some dumb stuff and I should be thinking about other people and their kids, so I’ll just talk to the manger.” What a shame after this occurred a few days later the new mail was boycotted by all teens because how can you tell people what to wear and how to wear. So watch out, you could be next, you could have your whole day planned out around this.