Deyjah Harris pays off gynecologist to tell T.I she still has her virginity

By: Madison Ford-McKnight

The internet broke when it was released that T.I goes with his second to oldest daughter to the Gynecologist to ensure that her hymen is still in tact. But in reality Deyjah Harris has been secretly paying her gynecologist to keep her secret under wraps—what a way to “pop” her fathers bubble. Deyjah told Carver Times reporters, “I had to think fast, I had to do something when my father decided to go to my first appointment. I knew he was out of his mind so I made an executive decision. I don’t care what anyone has to say.” The clever, social media phenomenon, explains how her life is always in the spotlight and this time she had to hide another part from her own dad. Reporters also spoke to the Gynecologist that took part in this bribery act, he says, “I ain’t do nothing and no one has proof. I said what I said. Good day.” Evidently this doctor whose story already came out, did not want to answer for his actions and shoved the reporters out of his office aggressively. The doctor’s license may be suspended for accepting bribes but Deyjah still insists that it was for a good reason and she has no regrets. This is just the “cherry” on top of an already intriguing scandal.