Is Conversion Therapy Really the Best ?

by Ajza Shields

When you are pregnant with a child and decide to keep it you promise to love and care for the unborn child. No matter what the child decides to do with their life as long as the actions that they are doing is legal. Unfortunately, many parents of LGBTQ people neglect these duties and try to force their children to change their sexuality, even though it innate. Some use Conversion Therapy.

What is conversion therapy?

Conversion therapy is the method of trying to change an individual's sexual orientation from homosexual or bisexual to heterosexual using mental or religious interventions. Homosexuality, primarily same-sex relationships connecting men, was deemed abnormal, immoral and even felonious for centuries. In the latter part of the 19th century, psychiatrists and doctors started to discuss homosexuality, too. They identified same-sex desire in medical terms—and started looking for ways to reverse it.

But it doesn't work.

With all the scientific evidence that conversion therapy doesn't work to continue with this practice is is not only going against medicine but it is also unethical and can be mentally damaging or sometimes physically damaging in the long term. Even after finding out all this information and you still send a your child to a place like that then you deserve the award for worst parent.