E&S Track & Field Team Running Low on Participants

By: Isaiah Raye-Ryan

April 16, 2021

On Thursday, March 4th, two seasoned T&F participants were on their way to practice at Carver E&S High School to start the sports season off. The only thing is; they were the only 2 people to show up.

Though the numbers have steadily increased, the number of runners this year were at a standstill for up to 3 weeks, while previous years saw consistent numbers. That leaves one question; why are not as many runners participating?

“I feel like COVID has a big part in it. Last year, we could have really did something,” says T&F Captain Israel Fonseca.

Last year after winning a Public League Championship, the track team brought in up to 50 additional people.

“I had some important [track] meets taken from me, which we were expecting to win.” says T&F participant Jayden Williamson.

Boys T&F team winning the 2020 Public League Championships in New York

The runners feel as though their progress has been delayed due to the COVID-19 outbreak that burned the bridges to many more opportunities. Although not all have lost faith.

“Track has always been my safe haven, and I need it now more than ever,” says Williamson. But when asked about his participation this year, it came down to him simply not having his physical yet. There’s also the question of safety precautions though, which Williamson admits to have him “second-guess practicing.”

That must mean the school district is helping out, right?

“I plead the fifth on that one,” exclaims T&F coach Raymond Womack, without a second thought. There are a handful of set rules, like masks staying on, minimal physical contact, windows open, and only 6 people in one room at a time, but they only go so far.

Jayden Williamson, Isaiah Raye-Ryan and Daniel Brito warming up for track meet #1, unfortunately canceled for smoke caused by nearby fires

Fast forward, the numbers of the track team have steadily increased. Though nowhere near its prime, light shines through the brick wall that is COVID-19.

As Womack said, “COVID has taught people how to do things differently.” With the recent announcements of things like students returning to school, and teachers returning to the building, maybe this pandemic can train us all into forming a bigger, stronger team.