Stay "Positive": 

E&S Holds Third Blood Drive

By: Donyae Trawick


Nearly 21 million people in the U.S. alone need blood transfusions each year. Donating blood can aid in the prevention of treating patients with cancer, chronic anemia, bleeding disorders, and other blood abnormalities. One pint of blood can even save up to three lives!

On Wednesday, November 20, E&S took part in benefiting the community once again by hosting its annual Red Cross Blood Drive! This was an all day event that focused on donating blood in order to help others that need it.

Journalists Donyae Trawick and Aniyah Nesmith have spoken with a few participants to gain insight on the Blood Drive’s experience. They were asked the question of why they even did it in the first place.

“ Why did you decide to give blood in the first place?”

Lydia from 12th grade: 

Derrick from 12th grade: 

Karyn from 12th grade:

We also interviewed Ms. Jones and Mr. Taylor-Baranik who hosted the blood drive and assisted participants with food and waivers. Both who were very eager for this day, spoke on the very significance of it. 

̈ ̈Because it is important for our students to be apart of a service project.. to do something outside the walls of this building! ̈.

Mr. Taylor-Baranik

Check out this website below for the fourteen intriguing reasons as to why giving blood to the community is so beneficial!