Violent Crimes Lead to Ski Mask Ban in Philadelphia 

  Cashae Morrisey 

January 24, 2024

Philadelphia recently passed a bill back in December where they banned ski masks in most public places, although it's said to help the police, some people feel the new law isn’t right.

The bill is said to help the police by revealing people's faces whilst they are committing crimes, making it easier to identify them. 

When asked about his stand on the bill, Deputy Comissioner Francis Healy said, "Healy said the ban will give officers “lawful authority” to stop people, which will be helpful because under a years long monitoring agreement with the Pennsylvania ACLU, Philadelphia police must document every pedestrian stop and the legal reasoning behind it."

Solomon Worlds, of the Philadelphia ACLU is someone who disagrees with the law and feels ski masks have no connection with crime.

“Safety is important, but there is no evidence to suggest ski masks cause or encourage violent crime,” Worlds said.

Despite those arguments, the bill still passed through legislation with a 13-2 vote, and was then sent to Mayor Jim Kenney. The mayor didn’t sign nor veto the bill, making it law.

"It aims to create a safer, more transparent and loving community,", says Councilman Anthony Phillips