Freedom of Expression

The importance of self-expression.

As a budding young adult, having the ability to express yourself is important. You’re going through changes and moving away from your kid self toward adulthood. However, freedom of expression in schools is hard with strict dress codes and codes of conduct for students. This is especially true at Carver with this year's new rules.

Freedom of expression for students

I have heard time and time again that students are required to wear uniforms because it helps them to pay attention in class and cuts down on bullying. But I think it is just another way adults can suppress students' self-expression.

Our handbook states that "Skirts or shorts must be no more than 2” above the knee. Shirts must end at the waist.... Clothing may not have holes or be ripped." Why does the school need to control students' clothing like this? Why do schools think that they have a right to tell us what's okay to wear and what's not. Perhaps they want us to practice being in a "professional environment" but if they truly want a professional environment, there are other ways of accomplishing that like making us wear our IDs like any other job would. If school dress codes is to get us ready for the real world maybe they need to look at what the changing real world is doing.

Against our rights?

Well also much as I would like to say that the school dress codes go against are right of freedom of expression it doesn't but here is a loop-hole unless it's not fair and consistent than it is. As we will know dress codes really seem to aimed at girls then boys. For exmaple anything against tight shirts and length of short and skirts yes that is unfair. T-shirts with cussing or drug items on than yeah that's not okay and is okay to punish. So I can say that it does but it depends on what they are gearing on.

What can you do?

I say to read up on your school's uniform policy. As much as I think the dress codes are completely useless and not really doing anything but suppressing the budding youths, I can understands adults' reasoning with dress codes and uniforms. They want kids to pay attention and such. But that doesn't mean you have to agree with dress codes. If you feel like the uniforms or dress codes are unjust then say something. As much as my article may have pushed that you have no say in what the school does, you do. Go to a teacher or talk to your principal.


Kokemuller, N. (2017, November 21). Arguments Against School Uniforms. Retrieved from

Dress code prohibits freedom of expression. (2017, December 12). Retrieved from