New Carver Phone Policy Has Been Implemented, Here's What School Officials Think

By: Blake Glassie-Osborne & Mansoor Ali

April 3rd 2024
Copy of School-Wide Policy Update: Cell Phone/Technology Expectations

The letter of the new phone policy in Carver being put in place, the highlighted area shows the exact policy.

As a result of Carver students using their phones in class, a new phone policy was put in place on February 12, 2024, as an attempt to limit distractions in class.

Carver HSES principal Dr. Darryl Johnson, says that the school has been able to overcome the number of incident reports that they were getting of students being disruptive in class thanks to the new policy. The new policy states that “cellphones, AirPods, and any other electronic devices are not permitted in the classrooms unless it is authorized by a staff member."

“Students haven’t been engaged, and what I’m looking forward to seeing is more progress on the number of students who are on track for graduation,” Dr. Johnson said.

Along with the benefit of students being on track for graduation, Dr. Johnson also thanks the new policy for the significant drop of students who were getting detentions. 

“We’ve had a significant drop in the number of students who are ineligible for activities because of our current cell phone policy,” Dr. Johnson said.

Phone pouches being used in Mr. Doreian's classroom.

An English Teacher here at Carver, Mr. Doreian had his own opinion about the policy, stating that students are more productive without cell phones.

"I am in favor of limiting cell phone use in school. Scientific studies have shown the actual presence of a cell phone, not even using it but just knowing that it's even there if the phone is out on the table. It decreases a person's ability to do higher-order thinking skills.” Mr. Doreian said.

Mr. Doreian believes that students ask better questions and are more interactive when they don’t have a cell phone within arm's length.

“I've also seen ways in which some students are more connected with what we're doing. They’re working more with the people who are around them.” Doreian said

Mr. Mitchell, a teacher who teaches World History here at Carver doesn’t use the phone pouches in his class, but he has seen some changes in other people’s classrooms.

“For the teachers' rooms that I observed or that I teach in, when the students are using those cell phone pouches it does tend to seem like it eliminates the distraction of having that cell phone close to them,” Mitchell said

Phone pouches located in Ms. Bradley's room for students.

Mr. Mitchell believes that students at Carver care enough about their so phone pouches aren't used in his class.

“Carver students care a lot about really earning good grades. And that seems to be enough motivation for them to do the right thing ”Mr. Mitchell said.