Carver Corona Blog: Week Four

April 20, 2020

Week Four Reflection Questions:

  • During this quarantine...

    • What have you learned about yourself?

    • What have you learned about the world?

Message from Ms. Ruby!


What have you learned about yourself?

During this quarantine, something that I learned about myself is I like to be productive with my work, make schedules on what assignments I do, and get up early to start on them. I also like to learn new dances, make up my own choreography, and read often.

-Journey, 9th Grade

I learned what I do with all the free time I have, which is studying, watching movies, playing games, working out, watching anime, and playing guitar, and practicing martial arts. Also, if I do things too often, I’ll be too bored, even for things I once thought were enjoyable.

-Jason, 9th Grade

I've always known I am an extrovert but I've really learned how much I need human interaction more than I ever really realized. I love and miss people, from my family and friends to my students and colleagues and even strangers on the street. Humans are social creatures and this isolation is unnatural. I would love to visit the school cafeteria during lunchtime and just walk around and say hello to so many friendly faces. I can't wait to do that again.

-Mr. Leed

This quarantine has taught me that family is important. I have gotten to be around them and bond more than usual. We talk more and do different activities to be productive.

Tsion, 9th Grade

I have learned about myself that I do not like to stay in the house too much and when I do my sleep schedule becomes really bad.

-Michael, 10th Grade

Something new I’ve learned about myself is that since I’ve been in my room for the whole day, I find myself getting bored of the decoration. I’m spending this break fixing up my room, and redecorating. It feels great to be in my room now, and with every new addition I just feel very positively about being in my room all day. It also feels great to have a room that feels like mine, all of the things in it are things that I enjoy, so it always feels like the room is mine and not just a place where I sleep.

-Kieran, 9th Grade

During this quarantine, I have learned many things about myself and the world. I have learned that I am more creative than I realized. I recycled all my family’s toilet paper rolls and water bottles and made a hammer that can store food and drinks. I also used some rolls to make room decor by cutting it up into shapes and hanging them from my ceiling. I also learned how to share and conserve food to make enough for everyone.

-Caithlin, 9th Grade

What have you learned about the world?

I've learned that the world really doubts science. Our elected officials were slow to react to the severity of this COVID-19 situation and the lack of testing is insane to me. We could be months ahead if our elected officials listened to the experts and consulted scientists to cultivate tests rather than get ahead of the stock market crash and sell off their shares before the recession. Deflating.

-Mr. Leed

The world is going to go through changes, it's how you deal with them is what matters. Right now if we will all stay inside, chill out, do something interesting inside this pandemic will be over soon. Everyone is in a rush to get it over with but it’s not gonna end anytime soon. The faster we come to understand that the faster it will be over.

-Cameron, 9th Grade

I’ve learned that the world has been ruined by people. Since people aren’t outside different changes have happened to nature. Venice waters are clear due to the fact that people are in quarantine.

-Tsion, 9th Grade

Something I learned about the world is there is a consequence for everyone’s actions, whether good or bad, especially when it comes to this spread.

-Journey, 9th Grade

I've learned that the world is capable of coming together, we just needed a little push.

Destiny, 12th Grade

I have learned about the world that the US was not ready for a global pandemic. People are not taking the steps needed to prevent the spread of the coronavirus which is causing the spread to increase at a surprising rate.

-Michael, 10th Grade

About the world, I’ve learned that these days are causing a lot of people to have mental breakdowns due to all the stress and worries people are being put under due to this new virus.

-Caithlin, 9th Grade

It just opened my eyes to how no matter what happens, people will still put themselves first. You would think that this virus would help us come together but nope. People are still selfish.

-Janiyah, 9th Grade

When I have to leave my house to go grocery shopping or out to the store, I always wear a mask, but it’s just fascinating to see the different people leaving their house. Those who wear masks and gloves, and those who don’t. One thing that I feel is very positive at this moment is in the music industry, now this might just be a theme with my favorite bands, but a lot of artists are putting on live shows on Instagram or selling special edition merchandise based on what’s going on right now. Most of the proceeds go to charities to help healthcare workers, small businesses, or food service workers who are out of work right now. This whole thing right now is chaotic to say the least, but i’m trying to think positively about all of this. Try to think about what good might come out of all of this next time you’re feeling down. I always try to think about how, since we’re all inside, there is less transport, therefore less pollution, one of the places that seems to benefiting the most is California, you can read more about that here. Just remember that things might be bad right now, but from the thunderstorm comes a rainbow, and I know it’s cheesy but that’s usually the case. I hope everyone is doing well and being safe, things are hard right now, but I’m sure that they will get better real soon.

-Kieran, 9th Grade

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