AI has Taken Teachers by Storm; Here's What They Have to Say

By: Milan Taylor & Ashton Hamlin 

November 20, 2023

Student Using chat GPT 

Learning is taking the time to mentally or physically learn something new, or now it could be just using Ai to get out of doing work. Currently, Ai has evolved to allow students to avoid doing the work on their own, and just get  Ai to do it for them. Now teachers are being forced to evolve with the 

use of AI in schools. Students are happy with the advancements of AI. They believe it can be used to help them understand and do work. 

“It can help you especially when you're missing an idea,” said Montrell Hamilton “Last year I had a research paper I had to write that I could not think of a title. So I just used an AI that gave me it needed a little work, but it gave me a title that I could work with.”

 Teachers are more reserved about what chat gpt, perplexity AI, search engines AI's, etc, and what can they do and how they can be used. 

“I do think it can also really limit students and teachers,” Spencer Malloy, E&S science teacher, said. “If it feels like we're just relying on a computer system to write answers or come up with ideas, you're not stretching your brain you're not being creative.” 

AI can be used in a multitude of ways. From students using it to check their work, using it to quiz their selves, Teachers think that AI could be good if used correctly. 

“I think that there no reason to fight it,” said Lee Silverman a Computer science teacher at Carver. “That it's here to stay and that we need to embrace it and teach students to use it responsibility” 

Educators also believe that with time AI will be able to help them see what the student is missing and this will be essential for them being able to help a student improve. 

AI software will eventually provide teachers with same-day analytics, so they know how well their students are grasping concepts and where their weaknesses lie.” Said by Justin Gluska , CEO and founder of gold penguin “This would give teachers essential information on what to teach, and more importantly, how to teach it.”

 While they do think it's helpful they want Students to remember it’s a tool and only a tool not the answer to all of their problems. In fact, Ai has been shown to have multiple downsides including but not limited to, discriminating against dark skin, bias against women, and facial recognition showing racial tendencies. 

In 2018, Amazon launched an AI recruitment tool to help review job applicants.” said Kristin Hassel A writer at Pia Blogs “It appeared to have a bias against women. Most resumes received were from male applicants, so the machine learning program began to favor men over women.” 

Now as students or teachers, we are being forced to evolve with the use of AI. We see how teachers are more skeptical but it’s something we cant stop. Now we need to use it to our advantage to make things easier for all teachers and students. 

I would say that, you know, it's just about working smarter and not harder.” Said Mr. Silverman “People thought the internet was a cheat and a hack when it first came out and people are saying the same things about AI.”

We asked Chat GPT whats the gist of the book passing and about the motif of eyes and lips in the book.
We asked Chat GPT to help us use the radius to find the diameter and use that to get the circumference.