How did the 2022 floods in Pakistan affect their country? 

Environmentalists, like Dr Basu, are on this case to see why it started. There are many reasons that are used to explain the floods in Pakistan. 

“The floods started because hot air can hold more water than cold air so more water is in the clouds and when it comes down as rain ”

Another factor that had a huge effect on the flood is the monsoons. Dr. Basu could you explain what a monsoon is and why it affected the floods?

“The monsoon winds can either cause a wet monsoon or a dry one. The reason it was so much water is that with climate change and a wet monsoon combined caused for their huge flood”

With all this change in climate and the weather rising, the polar caps are melting at an increasing rate and the only will only flow downwards or from the bottom up. and as you can see that is what happened in Pakistan.

"Heat waves that came earlier then expected with melted the ice are also responsible for the water level to rise. "

The ice caps are melting because of the warming of the earth and the water level has been rising for years now. And its affecting have been worse now in these times due to the increase of carbon dioxide and as well as other greenhouse gases.

With the abundance of people currently living in Pakistan, all the flooding has destroyed all they've ever known. 

The floods have destroyed equivalents of Maryland and Delaware and it has had affected at least 33 million people and killed 1.2 million livestock. With a population 231 million people, the overpowering waters have damaged just over 14% of the countrys people and well a their livestock which they have to live off of.

There are many organizations working with Pakistan and trying to help them recover and bounce back after this catastrophic event.