Vaping: It's Bad! Just In Case You Didn't Think So

By: John Delgado

What Do You Mean?

Vaping has become very widespread in America, especially since the most well-known vaping company (Juul) made its debut in 2015.

The Story

Vaping in America has had a great emergence in popularity in recent years, and many age groups have begun to try it. Though it has become a national sensation, recently there has been an outbreak of vaping-related lung diseases, believed to be caused by certain flavored juices and the country is scared. Steps are being taken to help assuage this panic, but what are current vapers thinking now?

What's Been Going On?

So far, there have been about 1080 cases of deadly illnesses concerning vaping-related lung diseases. Along with this big amount of cases, there have been 18 confirmed deaths from this epidemic. This is terribly worrisome because the numbers keep going up with no sign of stopping. In almost half of the cases, health officials weren’t even able to figure out what it was in vaping that got them ill. It’s been strongly advised that people just stop vaping as a whole until this issue is resolved.

What Are We Doing To Help This Issue?

Well, certain vaping juices are getting a ban which means that breaking this ban will result in you having to face some consequences. The ban was brought up and signed by President Donald Trump. If no one were to address this and the dangerous juices weren’t contained, these lung diseases would run rampant because Americans are not willing to distance themselves from imminent peril.

Why Should You Care?

You should care because vaping has unfortunately become very trendy among students in the high school age range. If you choose to vape, it will impact you in the future because the longer you vape, the higher the chance catching a deadly illness. Peer pressure can be quite hard to avoid especially in certain situations but please always try to do what’s best for you.