How do Rec centers affect our community?

According to a source there are over 300 rec centers in Philadelphia alone. Majority of these rec centers are being used by small numbers of people.

Latchford, a teacher at Carver, states that rec centers are valuable to our community.

“ It gives kids a chance to have fun with others and access opportunities that they may not have been able to access at first”, He said.

A source says that rec centers “stabilize kids' lives and provide them with a community that they can feel like they belong to. This shows that when kids are involved in rec centers it balances out their lives. Latchford also said that communities that don’t have rec centers are truly missing out.

“ I think that communities that don't have rec centers certainly missed out on giving these kids the opportunities”, He said. “Especially today, like with the way kids are like they're not getting together and going out playing together”, Latch said.

It is obvious that rec centers help kids physically because the first thing that you think of when you hear rec center is exercise but these centers also help mentally. Pitz, a sports instructor at Carver, said that rec centers are an outlet for kids.

“Rec centers definitely help kids mentally and physically”, He said. “The physical benefits are, you know, the exercising and working out, but also being able to be comfortable with others and relieve yourself of stress after school”, Pitz said.

This source says that the rec center also supports kids socially. Most rec centers put kids in groups that separate them by age. Demya, a 10th grader that goes to a local rec center, said that his rec center has helped her through a lot of things.

“ My mom got a membership at the YMCA when I was younger and we have been going there since I was like 5”, Demya said. “ Because of the membership I have met a lot of people and I have made many connections.” she said.

Since the beginning of Covid rec centers have either been closed or the activities were limited. Since less of Covid is spreading around, hopefully it stays like that, Rec centers are opening back up and there are more activities to participate in. Brandon , the supervisor of the arts at the Kroc center, said that he was happy that more people are deciding to come back after Covid.

“ I think that Covid was a wake- up call for everyone including myself”, Brandon said. “ Im glad that I can continue activities here because people are really starting to get involved and try out new things”, he said.

Rec centers benefit the community in many ways. It can help solve problems in the neighborhood. Amir, a member at the YMCA, said that it helped him and others avoid things going on in the street.

“ When I decided to start going to the YMCA it was because I wanted to workout”, Amir said.

“ Now I go because I have a group of friends I hang out with after school”, he said. “We usually play basketball and they have a room for us to go in to play games and stuff.” He said.

There are a lot of Rec centers in Philly that need support. Most rec centers are run by older people that aren’t really concerned about the kids and are only concerned about their pay. Having volunteers around that can relate to them is better than having older people that will judge them. Pitz also agrees with this statement.

“I think that everybody should go out and help the rec centers in the neighborhood. Find the rec centers and volunteer and help out”, Pitz said.