CEO of mice agrees to call his members out of HSES in exchange for 250 pounds of uneaten soggy pizzas.

By: John Delgado

On the night of March 31st, the CEO of mice (Moe S.) came to an agreement with the cafeteria staff at G.W. Carver HSES. In spite of the pest issues steadily rising in the magnet school, the cafeteria staff came up with a plan that would kill two birds with one stone by getting rid of the trashy pizzas that no one’s eating along with the mice that eat at the crumb of any edible substance they tend to stumble across. One quote from the phone call between Moe and the chief lunch-lady captures Moe saying: “Honestly, this won’t deter us forever but you won’t catch me turning down an easy and upfront source of food for once! Either you give us a free renewal every week or you’ll be seeing my boys again very soon.” To this, our lunch-lady replied: “Don’t worry! We added a secret ingredient to these leftovers that’ll have this whole problem solved within a couple of days, and you’ll never have to worry about being hungry again.” The lunch-lady also mentioned that this special ingredient will relieve these mice from all the existential dread that life entails (how generous!)