Grieving and hurting: Look what guns have done to me

By Jakyla Miller and Bethany Swan

Philly has a "Mental health crisis."

Mayor Kenny has declared that gun violence is a cause of Philadelphia’s “mental health crisis" There are multiple people who are a second-hand victim to gun violence. The death of a loved one can really affect your life. It is a lot to handle and most people struggle to stay strong. Just imagine losing a very close family member or friend. It's a tough thought to bear isn't it? This is something that affects all of America every day. According to Gifford law center 100 Americans are killed with guns every day, and on average 100,000 are wounded or injured by guns. This violence has permanent or long-lasting effects on its victims.

Our focus

Generally, when we talk about gun violence, we focus on the criminality, but we forget about the emotional or mental damage. When someone loses a loved one to gun violence, there are different types and stages to grief. A way to help not fall into a deep traumatic grief is trying different ways to cope with this problem.

Seeing through someone else's eyes

We interviewed Cherie Ryans to see the perspective of a loved one who lost someone to learn more about how it changed their life and how it changed their mindset and what measures they think should be taken to help those in need. After asking a question about her son's death and the effects on her, she shares, “it made me feel empty, sad, a sense of loss, loneliness.” She proposes that places should have more grief support groups so that we can work together through our grief. We also talked to a therapist by the name of Jodi Silverman who says, “Its really important that people engage with people who have had similar experiences”. These two peoples opinions relate to each other because they both show that community can help through loss.

Coping methods

A way to help deal with the grief of loss is therapy. Despite how many people are losing their lives to gun violence not many things are being done about it. We need to spend more attention on the loved ones. Nowadays not everyone is trying to go to therapy due to lack of clinics in the area or not enough exposure to these clinics.

Clinics are the solution

After talking to both of these experts we concluded that the city of Philadelphia should have more support groups like mothers in charge. Mother’s in charge is a support group for mothers who had the loss of their child due to gun violence. This organization helps with Victims Compensation Assistance,Healing/Grief Support, Anger Management, Court Accompagnement and, Victim Advocacy. Mother’s in charge also works with members in their communities with public education for kids who may have lost a loved one, and mentoring young girls who are at risk of being in danger. The city also needs clinics like EMIR . EMIR is a place where these victims can seek the support they need to get through the process of healing. They reach out to communities in the city to provide the solutions. Sometimes children can't understand exactly what is happening. EMIR partners with the Philadelphia Police Department to go to school to educate the children about violence. EMIR also offer a program to “ease the financial burden. We believe that clinics can help someone through the stage of grief. Support is a very important thing to help one get over this. The city of Philadelphia should try more of an approach to our gun violence problem by not only trying to fix it as a whole but as helping the ones who already faced it.