The Impact of effective sports leadership on basketball teams' performance and cohesion

By: Malcolm Musgrove

Published Nov,20 2023

In the face of opponents, how do team leaders affect teams to play better in the clutch? Do they give a speech, do they get the ball to players that have not got a touch in a while, or do they just take over themselves?

For student athletes it may be the grind to want to make the league that makes a leader and for others it may just be the need to be a leader when student athlete Samir Roberts mouzon was asked what does it mean to be a point guard they said

"To me as a point guard, I feel as though I want to get my teammates the ball because people look for me to get assists and that is a great way to help the team get hype when we are e and need an energy boost."

For players in the NBA, it might be making that game winning shot that makes them leaders. For a high school point guard, they may just want to be a team facilitator and keep the team spirit high by letting everybody get a touch of the ball, so we asked point guard Mathew Mcfield here at Carver what makes him a point guard and he said.

“I feel as though the ability to understand a situation and keep your head up, handle the basketball Looking for teammates to get them the ball is what makes a team leader or a point guard.”

 There are two guard positions, the point guard and the shooting guard. Some players can be both a point guard and a shooting guard. For example, Fareed brown, who is a player here at Carver. When he was asked whether it was the ability to handle the basketball or, the ability to knock shots down that made him feel like a guard, he said

In conclusion, leadership brings good performance to basketball teams and also brings cohesion to teams, causing them to play to their full ability.