Donald Trump is the 3rd president in U.S. History to be impeached but the 1st to burn the white house

by: Kayla Davis

Donald Trump is now the 3rd president in United States history to be impeached from his presidency. After yesterday’s 6 hour hearing, the House of Representatives voted that Trump should be tried in the Senate for two articles of impeachment related to abuse of power. During the hearing many people in office stated dozens of the high crimes and misdemeanors that trump has committed over his 4 years in the oval office. In response to yesterday’s ruling President Donald Trump took to twitter and continually posted over 20 of the same tweets stating “PRESIDENTIAL HARASSMENT”.

As word got back to the president on the hearing results, A close source to his team reported back to A Carver Times Rep on his behaviors. “He started, cursing ysterically, throwing things across the room and knocking things off the wall.” said the close source. “He then told his team that he was going outside to take a breath of air and vanished.” Shortly after he disappeared bi-standers quicky called the cops on reports of a huge white house fire. But, by the time they arrived almost everything was inflamed. Due to his anger and uncontrollable actions he ruined a historic monument and is now facing federal jail time.