Sports & Mental Health 

                               By Lailah johnson & Nevaeh Johnson 

                                                                      November 20,2023 
E&S student athlete Isabella Brown is  a track runner for the school and this picture is taken place at a meet.

Nearly half the students are depressed and can’t barely get out of bed but recent data shows that there is hope for them as they get through the school year. One of the most effective ways that can help with their depression and unhappiness with school is sports. 

“There are alot of studies that show that any kind of exercise…. Is good for mental health," Mr. Beqiraj, Volleyball coach said.

Sports help students relieve stress from school. It  helps them forget about things that are happening in their home lives as well. It helps with built up anger, sadness, anything. 

“If you get angry you can hit the ball.. It's a relief ”- Nasau Singleton, tennis player said.

 We now know that this is   a stress reliever, and can help with the build of anger; But sports can help you challenge your thoughts about things  but did you know that Sports can also challenge your inner thoughts about things.

E&S student athlete Isabella Brown is  a track runner for the school and this picture is taken place at a meet
E&S student athlete Nasau singleton is a tennis player for the school. This was taken at one of her games at the court 

Rasheed B, a track runner said that “It’s a mental game, It’s like your brain tells your body to keep going”. Not only can it  help with your mental behavioral issues but can also help with their physical health as well. It gives them a sense of discipline.“

Ashely Avalos, a swimmer said “It gets me in shape… don't feel sluggish or like tired Mental health is good for the students, it helps them improve in so many different aspects; But did you know not only can students benefit from this but coaches as well.

“Seeing students succeed  gives me great pleasure” Mr. B said the coach of the volleyball team. 

Sports also can help you build relationships with students, teachers. 

“Really [it's] the best ways to establish strong relationships with students” Mr. Repella the dean and the coach of tennis team said. 

As we come to an end, and we talked about how sports can change your mental and physical health, it’s good to say that you should expect more students and coaches' well-being to improve over the school years, or years in general.  As this is coming to an end Nasau said that “Sports are going to improve mental health over the years”  Nasau sinlegton.

E&S student athlete Isabella Brown is  a track runner for the school and this picture is taken place at a meet