Carver Corona Blog: Week Five

April 27, 2020

Week Five Reflection Question:

    • What's something that's been keeping you sane during this quarantine?

Carmine Picone, 9th Grade

Something that keeps me sane at the moment is my bedroom. Everybody in this house, including my dog, is often driving me crazy. Thus, having some time to myself in my room really helps me concentrate and focus on whatever it is I’m doing.

Bobbi, 12th Grade

One thing that helps get me through quarantine is caffeine. With my mom working from home and my stepdad still working as an essential worker it has been very stressful. Also my grandfather is in the hospital (not Covid-related). I have had 2 family members test positive for Covid-19. In addition, I have started to experience insomnia. Life has become extremely difficult since Covid has taken over and caffeine has become a necessity.

Aleja, 11th Grade

No matter how down I am feeling, my guinea pig, Kofuku, is always in my room making noises and filling the room with happiness. I am honestly so blessed to have him by my side at all times. He helps with stress relief as well as to simply smile everyday. Something that I have realized lately is the fact that it is such a good feeling having someone or something that depends on you. Kofuku is always waiting for me to feed him, play with him and love him. It is an amazing feeling.

The one thing that’s keeping me sane is my phone and my sister.I wouldn't be able to survive without my phone because it distracts me from overthinking about different things. I also wouldn’t be able to survive without my siblings because using my phone all day does get boring and they make it fun with different activities that we do.

Tsion, 9th Grade

My dog keeps me somewhat active so I don’t go crazy and she thinks that play time is when I’m working out. I love that I can spend time with my family and focus more on myself. My family, my dog, and my friends are the people I really need at this time. Right now i’m trying to get the most out of every second.

-Cameron, 9th Grade

An object that is keeping me sane I guess is my phone. Literally the best way to connect to the outside world via social media and what I use for entertainment (anime and games). Oh, and the charger for the phone, since phones can run out of battery and that’s kind of sad if the charger doesn’t work since you would just have a dead phone making you lose your sanity faster.

-Jason, 9th Grade

I've been rewatching games nba Games and they have literally kept me sane because they gave me something to do.

-David, 10th Grade

What’s keeping me sane is my sister, since I’m at home and spend more time with her we’re cool now. We don’t really annoy each other as often anymore. We also have more “relatable sibling moments," so we have so fun in quarantine.

-Alexei, 9th Grade

Rosmid Solis, 10th Grade

Pic 1: My mom is the one keeping me sane. She always makes sure I’m feeling okay and soothes me whenever I become anxious or start missing my friends a little too much. She’s a true blessing and she’s my everything.

Pic 2: I definitely treasure my friends more because now that I can’t see them. I realized how much not only human interaction is essential to sanity but them specifically. They’re the fun part of my life and I don’t know the next time I will get to see them.

Pic 3: My phone is the only way I can stay in contact with my friends and I can do anything with technology like watch Netflix, play Roblox, or anything else. Anything to distract me and still have genuine fun.

One thing that has kept me sane throughout this past month has been my kitten Zora. I'm usually not home this much and many animals have connections to their owners and I can tell she missed me greatly. She is in my room with me all the time and sleeps with me some nights. In my eyes she acts so much like a human so she is hilarious to watch instantly. Her favorite thing to do is to try and attack you unnoticed. I think she thinks she's a ninja, but we see her every time she sets up her plan. When people say that you can have a deep connection with an animal, I truly believe that now. Especially being an only child so it's not a lot of excitement in the house for me, so she is almost like my little sister who acts like a toddler.

-Madison, 12th Grade

Someone that is important to me in my house is my cat, Todi. He’s important to me because he gives off a chill, relaxing vibe. He’s genuinely quiet and likes to just lay around often in the house. This teaches me to take some time to calm down and relax and not have to be so stressed about this pandemic.

-Journey, 9th Grade

During this quarantine, I am cherishing the things that keep me from going absolutely insane. Every Tuesday and Thursday, my group from the school’s DnD club meets up on Discord and plays a session. As far as art goes, I’ve been trying to branch out and try different mediums. Most recently, I’ve tried sculpting, collages, and oil pastels, it’s great to relieve some stress or just for fun. Skateboarding is my one time I get to spend outside other than a quick walk around the block, or taking my dogs out. When I skateboard, I go outside into this parking lot by my house, it’s usually empty so I’m always social distanced, and it gives me some time to practice and relax.

-Kieran, 9th Grade

One of the things keeping me sane right now would have to be my fitness workout (check it out below). If it weren’t for this, my sleeping schedule would be completely messed up, I would be playing on my computer all day, and I would lose the body I worked so hard to keep in shape. Also, it makes me feel better about myself because I know that once this quarantining is over and I hopefully get to go to the beach, I won't go with a shirt on because I would have nothing to hide.


4 cycles of …

10 crunches, 15 push ups, 4 laps of running up and down the stairs, 20 sit ups, 1 minute planks, and run around the block once

Autumn is the reason I’m staying sane during this! We talk every single day, just like clockwork! Sometimes it's for 3 minutes, sometimes for 7 hours, just talking about nothing. Sometimes we make TikToks, watch movies, even take naps together. I’ve learned so much about Autumn that I probably wouldn't have learned otherwise and vise versa just by being on the phone with her. So for that I’m extremely grateful that I could learn more about my friend . We were already close but i feel like we’ve become so much closer, thanks to Corona.

-Aniyah, 12th Grade

This music means so much to me right now because it’s helps me think and keeps me focusing on my purpose in life. It also allows to remember the people that people I care about the most. It reminds me to be more optimistic and motivated towards the future.

-Nadirah, 10th Grade

Jaylen, 10th Grade

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