No more ice cream?

We all know the joy as a child of hearing the ice cream truck drive up around the block but adults were quick to turn against one particular truck one evening of November 12, 2019 in South Philly. Allison Mandantor riot group leader against ice cream trucks driving around the neighbourhood aka-”We scream against the Ice Cream”-told the media that “ The trucks have no business here, especially now that the weather is getting colder and I find that so-called whimsical music, very noisy and it disturbs my peace.” Her comment made headlines and suddenly changed the face of Good Humor forever as we know it. Protests were getting heated at East Passyunk Avenue where a group of angry adults following the same belief as Mandantor, held signs with blunt requests to remove ice cream trucks from the city. As one sign wrote, “ We shouldn’t have to run for our ice cream! Remove those trucks!” November 20, 2019 there was a hearing at City Hall to remove ice cream trucks for the spring, fall and winter months. For now we wait for the results.