Mental Health within 

Multi-Sport Athletes

Athletes deal with stress, anxiety, pain, etc. It’s not easy to be an athlete, no matter what sport you’re playing. Being an athlete will take a toll on your body and your mind but as an athlete, you have to be willing to deal with that. Dealing with the sport itself, the mental and physical fatigue and people's opinions could be draining. Those aspects of being an athlete are sometimes overlooked by many people.

Speaking of metal and physical preparation, this is very critical to being a successful athlete. Knowing how to ‘lock in’ or get into a mode where you can’t be diverted from success is very important. Sometimes you could complete your usual routine and still not be on your A-game. It all depends on how you’ll respond to your abnormal and if you are willing to be in situations where things may not go your way. Before starting a game, a match, a race, or whatever it may be, first you have to become ready. There are many different ways to set yourself up for success, it just depends on what is best for you. Finding ways to bring yourself peace and comfort to eliminate any potential stress factors. What are some ways you could get ready? Samir Roberts, a dual-sport athlete who plays basketball and tennis has his own style of getting ready. A style that most athletes have, to become ready. Preparing himself for a match that could take up to 90 minutes or a basketball game with intense running and constant moving. To find one’s groove, most may literally grove to music. As a prime example, Samir believes in listening to music in preparation as well.  “I stretch and listen to music” is what Samir Roberts does before a game or a match, and what most people do. According to the University of Nevada, music is very effective when it comes to releasing stress and relaxation. “Upbeat music can make you feel more optimistic and positive about life. A slower tempo can quiet your mind and relax your muscles." Many athletes have many different ways of preparing themselves, music being a very common way. Jalynn Kage, {record breaker in track meets, varsity basketball point guard and flag football WR} does not always partake in music. Getting ready for Jalynn is more of a thinking process. "Normally I don't really think about it until right before the race. But before the race I visualize what I have to do and just keep thinking about it." Focusing on your technique and visualizing your performance beforehand is actually a great way to prepare. "Envision potential scenarios that could potentially encounter and determine how they will respond.. It’s important to learn to ignore the factors that you don’t have control over.. Focus on the details you need to execute during competition." These are great ways to prepare oneself, according to The ASICS Blog. Jimmy Butler, NBA Star, Miami Heat - Small Forward was asked after a playoff loss, what he would do to avoid getting down. His response was "Stay consistent. Do the same thing that I do, that we do, after every game," Butler said. "We are going to listen to some music. We're going to drink some beers back there. We are going to go have some wine." Doing things that make you happy and bring you peace could be a great way to stay prepared to help yourself stay positive.