The Effects of Video Games Over the Past Few Years

By: Emmanuel Wright

Due to the 2020-2021 quarantine, students have had a hard time connecting. Have video games made it easier for students to connect online, and how do teachers feel about video games?

A study taken in 2021 shows that 65% of adults in America play or have played video games but only 14% of adults over 34 play video games. It is pretty evident that it is mainly young people who play video games.

The teacher I interviewed said that he doesn’t really play video games in his free time but he plays them with his son. He also said,” I did use to play a lot of video games in high school but stopped when became an adult.”

Another study done during quarantine show that 55% of players claimed they started playing video games more in quarantine. Most people used it as a form of socializing over media because they can’t meet up.

“I definitely played video games a lot more in quarantine since my parents wanted to be cautious, video games were really the only way I could interact with my friends.”

According to this article, most high school students play video games, in the article, they claim that video games can be like an addiction to students.

” I say it depends on the maturity of the student, you need to understand the difference between the real world and video. For instance, a younger child would easily get affected, while people my age should be mature enough.”

The teacher I interviewed also added some helpful information for students that play video games.

“You need to learn how to manage their time better and navigate the difference between what they want to do and what they need to do.”

I totally agree with this statement, only people who don't manage their time well will be affected by the video games they play. It can get hard for some students because they play games with their friends which can sometimes make them manage their time worse.

“I mainly play video games with my friends and don’t really make new friends online”

Based on the earlier information it seems like adults don't really like video games. Still, when I asked a student if they think adults hate video games they said,

“Definitely not. Some adults make a living off of video games, however, parents might feel a different way”.

To me it seems like video games contribute a lot from a social standpoint, they help people who already have friends and they also help others make friends. It also seems like some adults and children are on the same page about video games.

In conclusion, those who play video games do use them to connect with others, and it isn’t the games that have a bad effect on students, it’s their ability to focus.