Carver Records Presents Carver's Got Talent! 

By: Samira Gindraw

June 1, 2023

Carver Got Talent Poster

Carver Records presented “ Carver Got Talent “ to E&S. The talent show was on Tuesday April 25th after school from 3-5. The event allowed students to show off all of their talents to their peers. It was filled with excitement, energy, and school spirit.

The event had a total of 12 contestants, whose talents consisted of singing, dancing, and playing instruments. To be able to accomplish such a big event involving a lot of people requires a team. Executive producers of Carver Records 

(@carverrecords) Isjeer " Jeer " Lowery and Brandon Brown talked about the event and the record label. 

“ We wanted to create this event to give students the opportunity to express something that they love and enjoy.  Being students, we can’t really show our creativity, we always do work, so we wanted to make that a priority “, Jeer said. 

Knowing that fellow students came up with this event gave me a bit of curiosity about what made them interested in music as a whole. At times, it could be stressful for them to produce music and keep up with grades.  

“ I prioritize what makes me happy, which is making music and I leave work to the side. You have to put yourself first at the end of the day “, Brandon states. “ I am a student first, always, but I learned how to manage both as I go along, and become more skilled with managing my time”, Lowery said. 

The audience was so active and attentive during the show. Amenah Hodges and Carlentz Pierre Louis, 10th graders who attended the event, expressed their favorite moments in the show. 

Outside of Carver Records Studio

A picture of the event from the audience 

“ I loved the performance where the girl was dancing, it was so entertaining “, Amenah said. “ The performance where the guy was playing the guitar was nice “, Carlentz states. “ There was so much energy in the auditorium, you could hear the screaming from the hallway “, Carlentz said. 

Being on stage in front of an auditorium of people can be nerve wrecking. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners of the talent show, Mark Hughes, Amirah Bunn, and Amyl Gayle, talked about the experience. 

“ I was a little nervous to do it because there were a lot of people there, but my friends were there and supported me as well “, Hughes said. “ I was anxious at first but I was performing in front of Carver students so it wasn’t anything to worry about “, Amirah states. “ I have performed in talent shows before so I am comfortable being on stage “, Amyl said. 

Even though most of the contestants were nervous, they still went out there and performed. You should never let the fear of being judged stop you from doing something that you really wanna do. 

“ Don’t be afraid of judgment, just go out there and express yourself “, Isjeer states. “ Do not let fears stop you from showing people who you are. If you love something, show the world ”, Amirah says.