Carver Corona Blog: Week One

March 30, 2020

Week One Reflection Questions:

  • How are you keeping yourself busy/spending your time?

  • What are your goals for this time away from school?

  • What are you worried or nervous about?

  • What are you enjoying about this week?

I've been using this time as a break. Although there is a lot of stress and concern around us, I feel like we should spend this time with our loved ones catching up. I never really had time to play games or watch movies with my family except for now.

-Isha, 9th Grade

To keep myself busy, I draw, color, do mini crafts, watch Netflix and hang with my family. My goal is to steer clear of the virus and stay away from people to keep my family and myself well.

-Caithlin, 9th Grade

I'm currently thinking about my future as far as what I want to do with my life. During this quarantine, I've been trying to catch up on sleep and binge watch TV shows. The days just seem to get longer and longer...

-Faith, 9th Grade

Since we have been at home, I have been sleeping a lot, but my family has also come up with a schedule, since we are not on vacation. I need to wake up no later than 7am, do some kind of exercise, which is usually a 4 mile walk or a run. I need to do at least 2-3 hours worth of school work and I need to read for about an hour, the rest is pretty much just relaxing, EATING, watching tv and playing games with my sister. I found it interesting that having a schedule has really kept me from going crazy, because it can be hard for an independent person like me to be at home all the time with my parents and my sister. But since each one of us has a schedule, we tend to have personal space and minimum interactions where we could all start arguing and not having a good time.

-Aleja, 11th Grade

What i’m nervous about is the possibility that all plans, including Prom and Graduation, will be cancelled. I'm not really enjoying anything about this week because I know that there is another week of no school ahead. I just want to go back to school with my peeps and for this all to be over :(

-Destiny, 12th Grade

My brother is graduating and going to college soon and I'm nervous about whether or not he will be able to move in to his dorm and get to classes by October.

-Jason, 10th Grade

I spend my time working on assignments, playing games, or watching anime. I guess I am enjoying a special collaboration in a game called Unison League with the Seven Deadly Sins. They just happened to start the collaboration on Monday, March 16th.

-Jason, 9th Grade

I am mostly worried about what will happen when we get back, or when will we get back? We have no answers and no cure, and we are left to sit in our own worrying and paranoia. It is starting to feel like this is our new normal, and I don’t want this to be normal, in a world where everyone is either self isolated or in quarantine, and we aren’t allowed to leave the house except for emergencies or to get food. In a world where everyone has to wear a mask and gloves to go outside. In a world where I’m constantly worried about if my friends and family are okay and having no way to see them to assure myself that they are in fact okay. Maybe I’m making too big a deal of this, but if we don’t have people taking this seriously, then the time it takes for this to be over will only keep extending.

-Kieran, 9th Grade

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