538 No. 13th Street
Address: 538 North 13th Street
Legal Description:
1950 A Quonset type building was built by Steider Implement to store machinery and equipment.
1956 Ed McCluskey moved his business here.
1961 Geneva Transfer was here.
1967-80 Farmland Industries was here. This was a company that hauled gasoline and anhydrous ammonia.
1971-80 Wynne Transport used the building for truck storage.
1980 Antiques Unlimited, Francis and Barb Schropfer
1981 Chet Frey rented the building from Dave Steider. Chet moved the building to his farm on Road L in 1985.
1986 The property was owned by Cornerstone Bank. An ATM machine was located there.
This was ongoing as of the last posting.